Clients develop a better understanding of what addiction is and how to manage and change the symptoms. Topics include post-acute withdrawal symptoms, high-risk situations, triggers and cross-addiction. Participants increase their understanding of how addiction impacts relationships, spirituality, shame and guilt, anger management, finances, and leisure time.
Participants are provided with techniques to relax, cope, and appropriately express feelings of stress. Participants practice relaxation techniques and increase their understanding of personal triggers and how to manage them constructively. Participants will be able to define how they positively or negatively coped with stress in the past and the consequences associated with these past experiences. Using cognitive restructuring and behavioral strategies, participants learn skills to relax both their mind and body.
The purpose of this group is to create a forum for all the consumers to be represented, and provide a time when the consumers can make specific suggestions for structural changes in the Unity Place programming.
Participants learn, develop critical skills, and have fun when provided the opportunity for creative, artistic expression. Art, writing, making music, and making crafts are all creative activities. Creative expression helps participants articulate their feelings and thoughts. Through a combination of instruction and mentoring, creative expressions groups offer participants significant opportunities to study the creative process and at the same time acquire the requisite skills to “practice” creative expression themselves.
The goal of this group is to increase participant’s ability to confidently function in family relationships, strengthen communication and listening skills, and sharpen participant’s awareness of unhealthy relationships. Participants learn the dynamics of different relationships, such as family of origin (Parents, siblings, etc.) and current family relationships (Spouse, paramour, children, etc.) Participants learn to effectively communicate with others through focusing on listening and conflict resolution skills and effective expression of personal needs and emotions. Participants learn to distinguish between healthy attachment and codependency, develop an awareness of maintaining personal boundaries and identify the warning signs of abuse in relationships.
Group is focused on criminal activity often experienced by participants with chronic mental health and / or addiction issues and ways to reduce recidivism. Using Cognitive-Behavioral therapy, participants are able to identify distorted thoughts that lead to criminal behavior and utilize behavioral strategies to address impulse control, anger management and boundary setting issues. Participants develop a greater sense of empathy toward members of the community by better understanding how their criminal behavior impacts other people.
The focus of this group is to orient participants to 12-step literature and its importance to the process of recovery, and the utilization of the steps and outside support groups. Participants become familiar with the 12-steps of recovery from a variety of traditions, including AA and NA by utilizing readings from the “Big Book” and other 12 step literature. Participants are able to identify what each step signifies for their personal recovery, through verbalizations and structured activities. Members are encouraged to actively seek opportunities to attend outside AA, NA, CA, MICA, ALANON etc., meetings.
The focus of this group is for participants to develop an awareness of daily needs and those daily activities that promotes wellness, socialization and self-esteem. Adult daily living skills are addressed, including cooking & kitchen safety, developing budgeting skills, hygiene, improving quality of life by learning to clean properly, and identifying resources in the community.
The focus of this group is to increase consumers’ insight into their medication and illness and to orient and educate consumers regarding their medications, side effects, benefits and how use of drugs or alcohol can impact the effectiveness of medication. The importance of following their medication regimen is reinforced using Motivational Interviewing principles and cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques.
The purpose of this group is to provide separate forums, which offers the opportunity to discuss and examine gender-related issues. These groups are used as a medium to instruct and teach behaviors, expectation and current trends pertaining to males and females in the areas of sexuality, grooming and hygiene, relationship with the opposite and same sex, work, and leisure activities.
The focus of this group is to assist with participants recognizing their own personal behaviors that may point to relapse in the future. It also outlines ways to combat those behaviors and get back on track. The group offers a course of action for responding to triggers and cravings. Participants develop a concrete relapse prevention plan to maintain sobriety. Group focuses on increasing the understanding of the relapse cycle and learning how to develop and adjust a relapse prevention plan and self-monitor for relapse risks.
Group focuses on increasing participant’s self-esteem, by sharing positive feedback with peers, to discover commonalities with others in the group and how skills in leisure activities enhances self-esteem. Participants identify life experiences that may have contributed to feelings of low self-worth (i.e., bullying, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, domestic violence etc.), as well as current relationships or family dynamics that may contribute to feelings of worthlessness. Group assists participants in building a healthy view of self and others in order to raise their self-worth, while taking into consideration their individual journeys so that treatment can be personalized and more effective.
The purpose of this group is to learn socially acceptable behaviors to enhance the quality of life. To develop self-sufficiency, confidence, and socially responsible behaviors, while increasing appropriate communication tactics as well as decreasing social conflicts and related stress.
Participants are educated on various aspects of mental illness, such as the symptoms of mental disorders, psychotropic medication and the treatment for mental illness. Goals of group include increasing his or her knowledge of the symptoms of various mental illnesses, such as depression, schizophrenia, Bi-polar Disorder, PTSD and generalized anxiety Disorder. Participants identify past and current symptoms of personal illness and are educated on the nature and purpose of psychotropic medication. Participants also become aware of the different treatments that are available in the mental health community and specific mental health supports, such as NAMI.